Preserving our history and natural beauty.
The North Andover Improvement Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 1885 for the purpose of "the improvement of the physical aspect of the Town of North Andover, and the preservation of its natural beauties and points of historical interest." Over the years, the mission has been carried out in many ways.
The Society continues to work for the betterment the Town of North Andover. Members are actively involved with maintenance and beautification of parks, memorials, plant containers and trees, as well as many other civic projects which benefit the Town. The Society provides support and, at times, financial donations, to promote worthwhile projects and initiatives. The NAIS also functions as the parent organization of the Friends of Patriot Park and the Friends of North Andover Trails (FONAT).
We are always open to suggestions for new projects that will further our mission.
Preserving Landscapes
Working to preserve North Andover’s unique landscapes is an important part of our mission.
Beautifying Our Parks and Open Spaces
From garden beds in Patriot’s Memorial Park to the trails at Osgood Hill, our volunteers work tirelessly to improve our town’s natural resources.