Friends of North Andover Trails (FONAT)
FONAT is an all-volunteer team of area residents, created under the umbrella of the North Andover Improvement Society.
As with the North Andover Improvement Society, volunteers are the core of FONAT.
This hard-working group is dedicated to preserving and enhancing North Andover's 70 miles of trails and open spaces.
Outdoors, volunteers run monthly trail maintenance days, build new trails and boardwalks, and organize trash clean-ups, monitor trails, lead hikes and more.
Meanwhile, indoors, FONAT publishes maps and guidebooks, administrates the website, Facebook and Twitter, applies for grants, plan projects and events, and coordinate with town staff and boards.
FONAT's Trail Monitor Program - Trail monitors regularly walk assigned trails to perform minor trail maintenance, identify areas needing more substantial maintenance, remove small trash items, report large trash items and evidence of illegal activity and ensure trails are adequately marked.
If you're interested in becoming a trail monitor, contact FONAT.
FONAT’s 84-page guidebook includes 16 original full-color maps, detailed trail descriptions, and stunning wildlife photos from local nature photographers right here in our town.
The Friends of North Andover Trails invite you to come discover the beauty and the history that await you on the trails of our town. Click the map or links below to explore 18 of our favorite destinations.